Practice Areas
We specialize in different areas of law, being our main fields Corporate Law, Tax Law, Private Wealth Management, Compliance, Startups and Venture Capital, providing a personalized service tailored to the needs of our clients.
We are motivated to work efficiently and with high ethical values, feeling that each one of our clients is part of our family. of our clients is part of our family.

Our Areas of Expertise
Our services are focused on different areas of law, specifically in the following areas, in which we have extensive experience the following areas
General Tax Consulting
- Continuous tax advice to individuals and companies.
- Tax policy for companies and family businesses.
- Legal and tax analysis of complex operations, mergers, divisions, acquisitions and other corporate restructuring operations.
- Estate planning for individuals and business families.
- Family wealth succession.
- National and international corporate restructuring and reorganization processes.
- Business and financing structure.
- Tax audit and due diligence in processes of purchase or sale of companies.
Private client o Empresas Familiares
- Integral advice for large estates
- Family wealth management, business and family business succession.
- Advice on succession planning and family business.
- Internal mobility or change of international residence.
- Advice on private equity and venture capital investments, as well as financial investment management.
Indirect Taxation
- Advice on indirect taxes.
- Review in the application of special regimes or particular situations.
- Advice on foreign trade operations, by proposing structures according to the business.
- •Advice on special taxes.
International Taxation
- International tax legal planning.
- Investments of non-residents in other legislations.
- Investments of foreign residents in Chile.
- Taxation due to change of residence or international migration.
- Administrative tax compliance in international migration.
Startups y Venture Capital
- Structuring of investments in Startups and Venture Capital, as well as the exit of such companies.
- Analysis of taxation in the different phases of the project (from seed stage to exit).
- Investment and advisory services for Business Angels.
Corporate Compliance
- Creation of the company's compliance structure (crime prevention manual, risk matrix, protocols and processes).
- Compliance talks for companies and directors.
- Preparation and orientation in criminal compliance, through criminal experts and crime prevention officers.
- Service of crime prevention officer, tax compliance officer and legal/criminal compliance.
Corporate Law
- Corporate/legal prosecutions for family businesses
- Maintenance and updating of legal structures or other legal vehicles.
- Corporate compliance.
Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.
Virginia Burden